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    Take the 10 capsules the first week, if you don’t like that dosage, then put them in the freezer until next week

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    Tren is 3-5 times stronger than testosterone, which means that Tren is definitely not for beginners. It is, however, very effective in treating acne, and in particular acne prone skin, and should be prescribed in those who suffer from severe acne or sensitive skin.

    Why Does I Need to Tren?

    As mentioned above, estrogen production is very important for hair growth (and can be increased by estrogen supplements). That’s why many steroid users have their Tren levels tested to determine if they are at risk of estrogen toxicity (or are too sensitive). If you are, however, then I would strongly suggest taking a lower dose to help the adrenal glands to take care of your hair and skin. So if you are taking a lot of AAS in a day, taking Tren will help to prevent it.

    Can I Take It Naturally?

    Yes, but there’s an additional benefit to taking it naturally. One of the main reasons that you don’t need testosterone has to do with how much estrogen you have produced in your body. Estrogen has been shown to inhibit the production of testosterone, which is why a lot of men don’t have much to use androgen and have higher than normal levels of estrogen.

    Because you aren’t taking much, the way by which it inhibits testosterone production is also prevented (or at least greatly impaired). In addition, when you have less estrogen circulating in your body, you are able to use more testosterone (which will also greatly reduce your testosterone production).

    Why is that important for a person who has been using AAS for more than two years? Let’s break down why that isn’t a good thing.

    As mentioned above, the body is unable to efficiently utilize the large amount of testosterone circulating in the blood, and to do so, it produces a great deal of estrogen. In fact, with that much estrogen circulating in the blood, very little testosterone is produced (because estrogen can’t make it).

    And that’s why, even though your man boobs may be producing a lot of testosterone, the body is unable to use it to promote hair growth and acne.

    It’s not just that your body cannot efficiently use the large amount of testosterone circulating in your blood, it also cannot effectively convert it to its most active form testosterone cypionate. Testosterone cypionate cannot be effectively converted to Tren because it is the only thing in the testosterone molecule that does not have a cyp protein attached.

    So in order for Tren to be released from this cyp, it has to be converted to its

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